Super Powers, powers of time (mostly stop/pause, but rewind and fast-forward included) is either the worst power the have, or the most powerful of them all.
Doesn’t matter if you go science-y or use “it is magic” to support the argument, powers of time makes no sense, are not applicable, or are Almighty, Omnipotent, Supreme.
Let’s start simple, invisibility, a popular power to have. If want to talk science, you go invisible you go blind, because if the light cannot hit you, you cannot see the light, if you cannot see the light, you are blind. Good luck doing anything while invisible. But if you go magic-style, then ok, you get invisibility working fine.
Now let’s go to the power of flight! Again science first, and let’s not even go over the biology of a person being too heavy to lift, your dense and solid bones, your 5 litters of blood, your thick skin, your big watery brain, all pulling you down to the soil, but assuming you are somehow lighter and either has huge wings or the power to create propulsion, a human being is still fragile, a person cannot survive the cold or the hypoxic air on higher altitudes. And there’s also the calory intake you’d need to keep that thrust going. So yeah, you can fly but try to not go too high please, and slow down to car levels of speed, and bring your food if you plan on flying for more than a couple of minutes. Now with magic involved, and imprinting super-resistance along with flight powers, then go nuts, go fight the clouds, traverse the oceans!
And how about Time?
Let’s start small, or local. What does it stop? because if it really stops time, then you’re dead. No air to breath, no light to see, no sound to hear, you cannot move a muscle because all molecules around you are stuck. You are dead. Although conscient for a couple of minutes, perhaps enough to regret activating the power and making time flow again.
But what else can be stopped? If only living-things-time is stopped (Earth keeps rotating, air keeps flowing, water keeps splashing) chaos will fall upon us, and it will be clearly perceptible that time was stopped (or lost / fast forwarded for those who stayed paused) perhaps the stopping of microorganisms on things that kept moving like air and water, will cause huge ecological disasters. But enough of science, let’s go magical!
If you assume a magic-induced time stopping power, it needs to be The Power, powerful enough to stop the universe itself, you’d need more energy than what is available in the current universe to power up your time-stopping ability. This because you cannot stop one thing, either you stop everything or nothing, otherwise you will cause mass-obliteration everywhere! Want to stop only Earth? Earth is moving at roughly 830000 kmph compared to the milky way, you stop only Earth and a couple of minutes later there’s no sun anymore, only the cold, dark, empty space. You just killed every human being.
Want to stop the entire solar system? Same thing, although not as short-term catastrophic, after a couple of minutes removed from its orbit, the sun is now either on a way out, or into the milky way, we got a new sky to see but not for long, who knows what gravity will do to sling us away of our heat source. So, either you stop the Milky Way, or the entire Universe. Making the power of time the most powerful, universe bending, of them all.
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